What are moderators?
Moderators are regular members of the forum community who have agreed to actively intervene in certain cases. They are required to act independently of their personal opinion in accordance with the Forum Rules.
What do moderators do?
Moderators may change, delete, or move individual posts of other forum members. They can also split, merge, move, or delete the thematic threads.
The moderators have a balancing effect on a member whose contributions are not in accordance with the Forum Rules. In case of constant non-compliance with the rules, the member concerned receives (via personal message) a warning is issued by the management. The Management may also - in individual cases - express an immediate and permanent ban, if the purpose or service of the forum is at risk.
When do moderators become acitve?
The moderators act on demand or proactively. Posts contradicting the rules may be completely deleted by the moderators. As well as personal insults of other forum members may be edited or deleted. In most cases, moderators strive to achieve a balance.
Documentation of the moderator`s activity
The moderators document their intervention, if possible, in the same post / thread. Unless contributions were edited only due to mistakes or double entires. If necessary, a justification for the intervention will be given. Requests to intervene should be sent via personal message to the moderator and not be placed in the forum.